Professional Services:
Generator SaleAll type of Generator with capacity ranging from 10kva to 2500kva
When we talk about brand than we deal in Perkins, caterpillar, Man, waukesha , Cummins , John Deer , Mitsubishi, Denyo Generators from range 10kva to 2500kva. Both new and used generators available in ready stock. if you get a used set than we provide warranty equal to new set.
Generator RentalAll type of Generator with capacity ranging from 10kva to 2500kva available on rental.
You do take care of your own business and let Damaan to fulfill your power requirements. By taking rental generator you can save capital cost and fear free operation from any breakdown. Long and short term rental option both available..
Overhauling & PartsGenuine parts for all brands and overhauling for any capacity set.
You can get genuine and repalcement parts from us along with overhauling of any capacity and any brand. Full warranty is given for overhauling.
Our Clients
Following is list of our main clients:
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Nokia Siments Networks
- Zong & ZTE
- France Embassy
- Halliburton
- Schlumberger
- Zhenhua Oil
- Fauji Fertilizer
- JSK Feeds
- US embassy
- Subway
- Pakistan SDB